
Recommended Books

Project members have found the following books helpful, it must be stressed that we don't support everything written in some of these, but it is often useful to study alternative positions:

Those listed in green we have found to be easy to read and a good introduction to the subject.

Those listed in brown are scholarly books that go into the subject in greater depth.

Books about Universal Reconciliation and refuting eternal conscious torment

A Larger Hope? Volume 1: Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich by Ilaria L. E. Ramelli

All Shall Be Well: Explorations in Universal Salvation and Christian Theology, from Origen to Moltmann by Gregory MacDonald

All Things New: What Does the Bible Really Say About Hell? by Peter Hiett

Christian Universalism: God's Good News for All People by Eric Stetson

Christianity Without Insanity by Boyd Purcell

Deconstructing Hell edited by Chad Bahl

Destined for Joy by Alvin F. Kimel

Flames of Love: Hell and Universal Salvation by Heath Bradley

God's Final Victory: A Comparative Philosophical Case for Universalism by John Kronen

Grace Saves All: The Necessity of Christian Universalism by David Artman

Heaven's Doors: Wider Than You Ever Believed! by George W Sarris

Hell's Illusion: Exposing the Myth of Hell by Don Keathley

Hell? No!: Why You Can Be Certain There Is No Such Place As Hell by Rick Lannoye

Hell Yes / Hell No by John Reid Noe

Her Gates Will Never Be Shut by Bradley Jersak

Hope Beyond Hell by Gerry Beauchemin

Hope for All: Ten Reasons God's Love Prevails by Gerry Beauchemin

How Wide Are Heaven’s Doors? by George W Sarris

Inventing Hell: Dante, the Bible and Eternal Torment by Jon M. Sweeney

If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person by Philip Gulley

Jesus Undefeated by Keith Giles

Let's Talk About Hell by Kenneth Myers

Logical Answers To Life's Toughest Questions by Richard Goyette

Once Loved Always Loved: The Logic of Apokatastasis by Andrew Hronich

Patristic Universalism: An Alternative to the Traditional View of Divine Judgement by David Burnfield

Raising Hell by Julie Ferwerda

Razing Hell: Rethinking Everything You've Been Taught about God's Wrath and Judgement by Sharon L. Baker

Spiritual Terrorism by Boyd Purcell

That ALL shall be SAVED by David Bentley Hart

The Evangelical Universalist: The Biblical Hope That God's Love Will Save Us All by Gregory MacDonald (Robin Parry)

The Inescapable Love of God by Thomas Talbott

The Triumph of Mercy: The Reconciliation of All through Jesus Christ by George Hurd

The Uncontrolling Love of God by Thomas Jay Oord

The One Purpose of God: An Answer to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment by Jan Bonda

Universalism: The Prevailing Doctrine of the Church During it's First Five Hundred Years by J.W. Hanson

What Does the Bible Really Say About Hell? by Randy Klassen

Books about the character of God and why there is suffering

God Can’t by Thomas Jay Oord

God Can’t Q&A by Thomas Jay Oord

God of the Possible by Gregory A. Boyd

God versus Evil by Richard Murray

Love Wins by Rob Bell

Pluriform Love by Thomas Jay Oord

The Box You Can Put God In by Randy J. Elstrott

The Elephant is Running by Bruce Epperly

The Experience of God by David Bentley Hart

The Mystery In You by Logan Barone

The Jesus Driven Life: Reconnecting Humanity With Jesus by Michael Hardin

The Shack by William Paul Young

Books about the overarching plan of God

All Set Free: How God is Revealed in Jesus and Why That is Really Good News by Matthew Distefano

Heaven by Randy Alcorn

Into the Abyss by Mo Thomas

Quantum Life: The Kingdom of God is Within You by Steve McVey

The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel

The God of Hope and the End of the World by John Polkinghorne

Books about the life of Jesus

The New Testament

The Case for a Christ by Lee Strobel

Who Moved The Stone? by Frank Morison

Books about Reading the Bible in the light of God's Love

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: Fourth Edition by Gordon D. Fee, Douglas Stuart

How the Bible Actually Works: In which I Explain how an Ancient, Ambiguous, and Diverse Book Leads us to Wisdom rather than Answers - and why that's Great News by Peter Enns

Lies We Believe About God by Wm. Paul Young

Reading the Bible Again For the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally by Marcus J. Borg

Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliott Friedman

Books about living life

A Farewell to Mars: An Evangelical Pastor's Journey Toward the Biblical Gospel of Peace by Brian Zahnd

Christianity Without Insanity: For Optimal Mental/Emotional/Physical Health

 by Boyd Purcell

Falling Upward by Richard Rohr

How to be a Bad Christian: ... And a better human being by Dave Tomlinson  

Leaning Forward: Finding Peace Beyond the Confines of Religion by Karl Forehand

Matrix Messiah by Dylan Morrison

Books about near-death experiences and the afterlife

Afterlife, The Whole Truth by Stephen Hawley Martin

Imagine Heaven by John Burke

The Map of Heaven: A neurosurgeon explores the mysteries of the afterlife and the truth about what lies beyond

 by Dr Eben Alexander

Why Are We Here by Ian Todd

Love Above All Things Project Books

Two members of the project have produced the following books.

Hope for Everyone

Hope for Everyone uses a parable-like story to depict a possible future assuming the concepts of Progressing Reconciliation.

It follows four characters brought back to life and making their way in a different, but also reassuringly familiar, world. A soldier, a gangster, a slave and a western housewife find themselves on a journey they never expected to happen.

It is available from any good bookseller.

It is also available to read and download without cost or obligation at 

Emerging from the Rubble

‘Emerging from the Rubble’ charts the story of four resurrected people from different centuries being sent as a team to encourage hope and love in a post-apocalyptic community.

All infrastructure is gone and the surviving humans are starting again, almost from scratch.

Navigating relationships with tyrannical patriarchs, abused women, downtrodden men and perceived enemies, these four have much to teach and yet so much to learn.

This book aims to excite questions and conversation about a possible future for humankind based on a particular view of Christian eschatology and the biblical concept that God loves everyone.

It is available from any good bookseller.

It is also available to read and download without cost or obligation here.